Mrs Ajibulu Morenike became a beneficiary on the 5th of May 2023. She had previously suffered infertility and had a miscarriage. Our program officers came across her on one of her visit to the antenatal clinic. She was 4 months pregnant. The foundation supported her throughout the pregnancy by funding all her medical bills, providing her with feeding allowance and baby items. After one of the visit to her house we realized she didn’t have a proper mattress and this could endanger the pregnancy. The foundation purchased a new mattress befitting for a pregnant woman. She was initially scheduled for natural delivery but when she was 41 weeks gone she experienced a distressing situation which took her to the hospital. After being examined the doctors discovered she was leaking amniotic fluid a condition highly dangerous to the well-being of the foetus. This made the doctors carry out an emergency cesearian section and the surgery was successful. To be a mother had always been her dream as she was known to be a teacher and lover of children. VSF is glad to be a part of her dream come true.





Mrs Ajibulu Morenike became a beneficiary on the 5th of May 2023. She had previously suffered infertility and had a miscarriage. Our program officers came across her on one of her visit to the antenatal clinic. She was 4 months pregnant. The foundation supported her throughout the pregnancy by funding all her medical bills, providing her with feeding allowance and baby items. After one of the visit to her house we realized she didn’t have a proper mattress and this could endanger the pregnancy. The foundation purchased a new mattress befitting for a pregnant woman. She was initially scheduled for natural delivery but when she was 41 weeks gone she experienced a distressing situation which took her to the hospital. After being examined the doctors discovered she was leaking amniotic fluid a condition highly dangerous to the well-being of the foetus. This made the doctors carry out an emergency cesearian section and the surgery was successful. To be a mother had always been her dream as she was known to be a teacher and lover of children. VSF is glad to be a part of her dream come true.





Victoria’s Smile Foundation’s 3rd Annual Walkathon is on the 24th of August 2024. Please click the link below to donate and/or participate.