Miss Jahnifemi Iremide Adenuga
Mrs Adenuga Bukola came on board when she was six months pregnant. She had previously
suffered four miscarriages. The foundation took care of all her medical bills and gave her feeding
allowance regularly. When it was almost time for her delivery the doctors advised she should
give birth through C-section because they believed it would guarantee a better chance of a safe
delivery considering her past experiences.
The surgery was scheduled for the 2nd of May, but when it was about her turn an emergency
surgery came up which lasted for a long time as a result her surgery was postponed till the next
day. The doctor on shift the next day refused to perform the surgery without blood donation but
because of our beneficiary belief, she refused to agree to those terms.
An argument ensued and she was asked to go to another hospital facility to deliver her baby but
fortunately, another doctor came the following Monday and agreed to do it without the blood
donation.VSF paid for the surgery and after-surgery bills. The surgery was successful and she
delivered a bouncing baby girl.
Mrs Adenuga Bukola came on board when she was six months pregnant. She had previously
suffered four miscarriages. The foundation took care of all her medical bills and gave her feeding
allowance regularly. When it was almost time for her delivery the doctors advised she should
give birth through C-section because they believed it would guarantee a better chance of a safe
delivery considering her past experiences.
The surgery was scheduled for the 2nd of May, but when it was about her turn an emergency
surgery came up which lasted for a long time as a result her surgery was postponed till the next
day. The doctor on shift the next day refused to perform the surgery without blood donation but
because of our beneficiary belief, she refused to agree to those terms.
An argument ensued and she was asked to go to another hospital facility to deliver her baby but
fortunately, another doctor came the following Monday and agreed to do it without the blood
donation.VSF paid for the surgery and after-surgery bills. The surgery was successful and she
delivered a bouncing baby girl.